Pornography Addiction; The 10 Powerful Techniques to Find Recovery & Prevent Relapses

How to Stop Pornography Addiction


relapse1 Relapse is part of the healing process.



  1. Write compelling benefits (lifestyle and medical) of being free from porn.
  2. Jot down a few intense emotional experience (desperation or shame of others finding out) that porn has caused.
  3. What do children learn about sex from seeing a parent viewing pornography? Quickly write one sentence.
  4. Are a person’s sexual addiction congruent her vision and values of life?
  5. Find like-minded people at support groups; perhaps, 12-steps meetings.
  6. Can you write down exactly how you want to behave and make a commitment to yourself?
  7. What warning signals (cues: triggers, sensual feelings, persisting thoughts) can you use to resist porn and keep your commitment?
  8. What can you replace porn addiction with (e.g. prayer with meditation music or complete body relaxation; choose healthy substitutes.)?
  9. Who (friends & family) can support you (be aware of saboteurs who don’t want you to succeed)?
  10. How can you reward yourself after completing a successful week (successfully completing action goals)? (Prochaska, 2008)


The steps to recovery that is presented in this post was inspired by James Prochaska’s Transtheorectical Model of…

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